Monday, June 7, 2010

The LaKe...

So for Memorial we headed down to Lake Powell to catch some rays, it was a really fun trip. We usually go to Antelope Point but we decided to shorten the drive a bit and headed to Bullfrog. My lil bro and Jess rode down with us and we met up with Collin and Whit who were already down there. Casey and Mel drove down late Friday night. It wasn't as HoT as I hoped it would be but still it was plenty warm, we all burned pretty much! I didn't take our camera so these are just a few pics off my brothers camera, Mel took more pics that I will put on later. It was a sweet little vaycay, definitely needed. The sun felt oh so good......the water on the other hand was oh so COLD! We finally got brave enough and jumped in but man you had to talk yourself into it. Even the Rickster took a swim! We explored a lot of new canyons that we had never really been in, Hansen Canyon being one of my FaVs, Jess even showed us this cool new short hike called the "CrAcK". I tried to make it to it but only got half way before the foot wouldn't let me go any time. We ended up getting down there mid-morning on Friday and couldn't launch the boat because the wind was sooooo bad. I ended up drinkin a couple brewskies in the boat in the parking lot and took a nap LOL. We decided to just pull the boat out every night and took it up to the hotel parking lot where Collin and Whit were stayin, we all slept in the boat, it was so romantic ;) Anyways.... it was a fun trip, can't wait to do it again!! Thanks to J Boy and all my friends...oh ya and my lil bro for making it a fun and memorable trip! Love you all!!!

Me and J Boy

Travy and J

Travis's bed...comfy comfy!

Rickster takin a swim
Early mornings

He's so HaPpY in the morning.....

Mel and Jess

So stinkin cute!

J in Casey's gnarly sweet hat
Mel, Case and Jess @ the CrAcK