So this weekend we were going to go on a four wheeler ride but that didn't quiet happen. See wherever Jory and I go a curse of bad luck follows!!! It's the Blackett curse.......I got it from my parents!:) Anyways, we met up with some friends out at West Mountain on Sunday to go up to the tower for a short ride. Well Casey could not get one of his 2 4-wheelers to start!!! I couldn't believe it, dang the luck! It was funny because it is usually us who has the problem, but our bad luck must have worn off on Casey and Mel. We did eventually after about 3 hours get on on the wheelers to start, so we headed off to Lincoln Beach to meet Casey and Mel. We pulled our 4-wheeler on our trailer so we were just gonna meet Casey and Mel over there ( they took the dirt road on the wheeler from his house). Well we waited for about 30 min. and no Mel and Casey??? So we start heading back to his house thinking that the 4-wheeler must have died or something. I spotted out of the corner of my eye someone clear up the mountain waving us down. was them, the wheeler died and they had been pushing for the last 20 min. It was pretty funny! We towed them down to the trailer and loaded em' up! Darn the luck! Although Casey has had a worse case of it then us lately, when they went on their guys weekend he broke his bike so he rented some guys bike and broke that too! He ended up having to buy the guys bike that he broke and take it home!! Poor Casey!